Motor vehicle accident victims sustain musculoskeletal injuries and exhibit pain complaints, immobility, and interruptions in everyday functioning that all result in adverse psychological symptoms.
Brief symptoms of concussion (mTBI) are also present in the majority of these cases, but fully resolve after 3 months.
However, 15 to 30% of these concussion cases, do not fully recover, and are left with serious and permanent ongoing symptoms of concussion (i.e., (mTBI) that include significant neurocognitive impairments and adverse psychological symptoms.
Based on the high frequency of such MVA victims with mTBI, recovered and not recovered, NA&T provides a Psychological Evaluation that incorporates both a Neuropsychological Examination and a Psycho-Emotional Examination.
This is within a single condensed Psychological Evaluation that is capable of distinguishing between MVA victims with or without ongoing symptoms of concussion mTBI.
This is essential according to the current SABS requiring that cases of mTBI be assessed for catastrophic determination in AMA Guide 4 while all other cases are assessed in AMA Guide 6.
See: Comparison of Old & New Catastrophic Impairment Definitions; Page 28 & 29 “Combining Mental & Physical Impairments (WPI). See Dr. Ronald Kaplan et., al
As well, in long term cases of mTBI, adverse pain complaints and psychological symptoms are augmented, synergistically, significantly interrupting useful functioning, resulting in catastrophic impairment.
The Condensed Psychological Evaluation has updated provisions for Catastrophic Determination that accurately quantifies Class Impairment in AMA Guide 4, Chapter 14.
This Evaluation also quantifies %WPI for Psychological Functioning in AMA Guide 6 Chapter 14 for individuals without having sustained a post traumatic brain injury.
According to the SABS, individuals with post traumatic brain injuries have their %WPI for Psychological Functioning quantified in AMA Guide 4, Chapter 4, using Table 4-III.
This includes the quantification of %WPI for Neurocognitive Loss based on the HRB Total Brain Injury Impairment Index Score referred to Table 4-II in AMA Guide 4 Chapter 4.
Certain cases of post traumatic brain injury with CT or MRI Intra Cranial Injury are assessed under OCF-19, Criterion 4, employing the GOS-E Scale.
These %WPI values are combined with physical impairments under OCF-19 Criterion 6 or 7.
The Condensed Psychological Evaluation has also been adapted for Tort Reports with batteries of Standardized Psychometric Testing designed to meet med legal criteria for impairment or disability.
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